5% Discount for 6 bottles or more Free Delivery or all orders over £150
applied at checkout to all individual wines.
Availability: Please be advised we are unable to offer anything during the day, at weekends or whilst we are running a public tour during the week so please contact us to find out the times available.
Transport: We are up narrow lanes, and accessible by car, motorbike or minibus. Please be advised larger vehicles such as coaches or limo’s will be unable to access the vineyard. If you have any concerns regarding your arranged transport, please do let us know and we shall be happy to advise further. We can provide details for local taxi companies upon request.
Private Events
We offer private tours for larger groups; corporate events, interest groups, or groups of friends. Here we welcome you and your party to our picturesque tasting room where you can enjoy a relaxed setting and engage with your guests or colleagues in a way that differs from the usual event space or board room, accompanied by a tasting of our award winning wines.
What's included:
Get in touch with your requirements: tours@woodchestervalleyvineyard.co.uk
Welcome to Woodchester Valley
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